
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blackberry Coconut Ice Cream (dairy free) & Cookbook Winner

So my blogging has been getting side tracked as I write this by trip searching. Although this has been a mild winter,  there is always still a craving for more sun, warmth and a getaway.  There are several ideas in our travel list this year,  some where with a beach , NYC (so I can go see Jimmy Fallon) and then potential a TBD location, which may end up just being the cottage.  So I am here.. I start typing and then go back to searching hot spots and then back to blogging and then back to trip advisor.  I think I need to start making a spreadsheet.  That's the true accountant in me. Sometimes I am not sure if trip advisor is helpful or not.  You can read thousands of reviews and still not know what to do and what resort to pick.   uughh.  I am so confused.  Maybe I will just make my list and let the hubby do the final decision.   I like that idea!

Just because I am not on the beach doesn't mean I can't enjoy some ice cream.  It has been a while since I made some and store bought just wasn't doing it for me. I have been craving something new.

Blackberry Coconut Ice Cream

  • 2 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp glucose
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 3 tbsp Xylitol (you can use granulated sugar)
  • 2 cups blackberries
  • 1/4 cup honey

1) Preheat oven to 375F. Place blackberries on stone wear or silpat on baking sheet. Drizzle honey over blackberries. Bake for 15 minutes and let cool.
2) Combine coconut milk, glucose, vanilla and 1 tbsp Xylitol in a medium sauce pan. On medium heat,  bring to a boil
3) In a medium bowl whisk together egg yolks, cornstarch and 2 tbsp Xylitol
4) While whisking,  slowly pour in approximately 1/2 cup of the liquid, then add approximately 1 more cup to continuing to temper the eggs. Continue to whisk to prevent curdling
5) Add the milk/egg mixture into the saucepan with remaining milk and return to medium heat. Whisk constantly until mixture thickens, do not let mixture boil.
6) Run thickened mixture through a strainer into a medium bowl, cover the liquid directly with saran wrap. Place this bowl into a bowl filled with ice water and place in the fridge to cool completely.
7) Once the mixture is cool, run through your ice cream machine following machine instructions. My kitchen aid was approximately 25 minutes. Add half the blackberries in the last 5 minutes.
8) Fold in the remaining blackberries by hand, then place the mixture in a freezer proof container.

I don't think I have ever made home made ice cream I didn't like and this was no exception.   I did try and keep this one healthier by keep the sugar low so you may not find it sweet enough but I was okay with it.  It does become quite hard so I found I had to let it sit a bit before eating it, so I recommend eating it within the first two days.   Day 1 after just a few hours of freezing is the best.

Back to trip searching....


Lynn Crawford Cookbook Winner

Thanks for all the great comments, using random generator the winner is....


  1. This ice cream looks so good! I would never guess by looking at it that it would be so much healthier than regular ice cream too, it looks so creamy! And I'm so excited to be the giveaway winner!! I LOVE getting new cookbooks and can't wait for this one :)

  2. Congratulations on the winner!
    I'm sure you'll have a great time, wherever you decide to go, make that list!
    Your ice cream is mouthwatering!

  3. my mouth is watering looking at these pictures! looks great!

  4. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I really appreciate it. ;)

    Your pictures are stunning! I might have to hit you up for a few pointers... Do you think I could use light coconut milk for this ice cream? Thanks!

  5. The coconut milk it calls that the can of coconut milk or the coconut milk in the carton (like regular milk)???? Thanks :)...

  6. You could try the light or use half light, half regular.

    I used the coconut milk in the can. But I am sure the carton would work as well.

  7. This sounds (and looks) so delicious!


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