
Friday, February 3, 2012

Five Friday Pin Up - Feb 3

And January is done, time to move on to the month of  love, a few birthdays and family day.   This was a busy work week. Month end (blah) and a visit to a poultry plant.   Yikes in deed, I will spare you all the details on that but I even spared myself from certain areas because I would still like to eat chicken in the future.   Certain aspects of the tour were very cool.

Outside of work I was on my own as the hubby was in Ottawa for business.    I took this opportunity to do some more baking, have dinner with a friend, skip cooking class and on Monday I went to see Lynn Crawford speak.  I added another personalized cookbook to my collection and picked up another signed book for my readers. She was great.   I recorded pretty much the entire talk (which I thought was lost on my playbook but I found it last night).    A recipe post from the book and wrap up to come in the next few weeks - with the additional cookbook giveaway.

This weekend involves dinner with friends on Saturday (which I need to make dessert for)  and the Superbowl on Sunday, also the day before my sister's b-day (which I should make a dessert for).  So as always,  busy, busy.

Pinterest was going crazy this week.    I pinned some Raw Carrot Cake balls last week and my email hasn't stopped.   It has been repinned over 400 times!   Needless to say I will have to try these.    Here are some other amazing things I pinned that deserve just as many re-pins.

1) Gluten free Peanut Butter Cookies by Oh Lady Cakes :

2) Healthy Lasagna w Turkey and Pesto by Cookin' Canuck :

3) Bacon guacamole grilled cheese by Closet Cooking:

4) Asiago Cheese Bagels by How Sweet Eats :

5) Red Velvet Crepes by Taste and Tell Blog :

Have a Sweet Weekend


  1. It is my 1st time around your blog, and I am really loving it :)

  2. I love Pinterest, and always feel so helpful when people repin my pins :) Just wanted to let you know too that I nominated you for an award on my blog today!

  3. Congrats! I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. You can view details at this link:


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