
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Google + Blog Hop

Welcome to the Google+ Blog Hop for June!

G+ Blog Hop Button June

Are you ready to expand your circles and find some amazingly talented crafters, foodies, techies, and diyers. I know I am! If you're new to G+ and need some quick tips, make sure to check out my 8 Tips to Maximize your Google+ Presence. Make the most of what you're doing! You can also find the perfect tips for the beginner to the advanced G+ user in my Conquering Google+ article.
If you're more of a visual learner check out the Google+ Series for DIYers, which include setting up your G+ profile and Growing your G+ Circles.

To join this G+ blog hop, link up your Google+ profile page URL (NOT your blog's homepage). For the "name" section, use your name or your blog's/website's name. Use your personal photo or your blog's/website's button/logo for the thumbnail picture.
Important note: If you have problems linking up your profile page, try linking the "about" section of your profile page instead of the "posts" section. Also, problems loading a thumbnail picture usually can be solved by loading the picture directly from your computer instead of your G+ page.

Please join us and our co-hosts as we support and connect with each
other on this growing social network.
We would appreciate it if you would follow the hosts and co-hosts of this blog hop (add them to your circles). Their G+ profiles are the first five links.
This blog hop is only for G+ pages...please do not link up your blog's url. We encourage the sharing of your personal, blog or business' G+ (profile) page. After you link up your G+ profile page, please visit some of the other profiles that are linked up and add them to your circles. We want you to help your fellow bloggers' G+ page grow! Please share the party on your social media platforms. The more the merrier!

1 comment:

LOVE your comments! Please let me know you stopped by. I always try to reply to the comment via e-mail, but I can only do that if you are not a "NO REPLY" commenter on Google. Check your Settings or reply via a different account.

Sorry I had to add on the word verification, spammers are out of control!
