
Monday, July 1, 2013

Bloggers Dream Giveaway


Check out the details to this amazing giveaway!  Five PRIZES to win!

Welcome to our Blogiversary Giveaway!! A year ago, my friend Brenna (Life After Laundry) and I (Sensational Creations) started our blogging journey. It seemed only fitting to celebrate our accomplishment with some of our bloggy friends, and have a giveaway with a few of our favorite things from this year. Things that have helped us grow and encouraged us along the way. Things that might just encourage another blogger, whether a newbie or seasoned pro.

We want to thank our awesome friends who joined us in our celebration by being part of our Blog Anniversary Giveaway.
Image Map
Open worldwide! 5 prizes, one winner takes it all!
Enter the Rafflecopter below...
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi,,
    This is amazing contest.
    Count me in. Good luck everyone.


  2. PicMonkey is my new favorite tool! I love it.

  3. I'm thinking the PicMonkey...
    Just wanted to say that I'm new to your blog and I'm so happy to find another Canadian blogger!


LOVE your comments! Please let me know you stopped by. I always try to reply to the comment via e-mail, but I can only do that if you are not a "NO REPLY" commenter on Google. Check your Settings or reply via a different account.

Sorry I had to add on the word verification, spammers are out of control!
