
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Caramlized Peach Ice Cream

 It's peach season!  I am currently obsessed with going to the Friday farmers market.  Working full time I don't normally get to go, so being on Mat Leave I am taking advantage of every Friday I can.  My biggest purchase is berries.  I seem to pick up more and more to eat and freeze.   I think I may run out freezer space because it is over flowing with local berries. They are so hard to resist though.  It is amazing how different local berries taste.  In the winter I will be happy though when I open my freezer to local berries that didn't travel thousands and thousands of miles.

On my most recent visit I also picked up a big basket of peaches.   I chopped and froze a large portion of them for future baking and snacks for the little one.  The rest went to this ice cream and a few more for a TBD dessert.

Caramelized Peach Ice Cream

  • 1/2 cup heavy cream 35%
  • 1 1/2 cup 10% cream
  • 1 cup milk 1 or 2%
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp glucose syrup or corn syrup
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste or 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 3 large peaches
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar

1) Make the ice cream : In a medium sauce pot combine both creams, milk, vanilla bean paste, glucose and half the sugar.  Heat on medium, stirring occasionally until simmering.  Bubbles developing on the sides of the pot. 
2) In a large bowl, whisk together egg yolks, remaining sugar and cornstarch.   
3) When liquid is a its desired temp remove from heat,  while constantly whisking,  slowly pour in about 1/2 cup - 1 cup of the liquid, then add a bit more liquid, still whisking. 
4) Pour the egg mixture back into the sauce pan and heat on medium-low stirring often, until mixtures thickens and coats the back of spoon.   Do not let the mixture boil so that the eggs don't curdle. 
5) Once thickened, run through a strainer into a bowl.   Cover the mixture directly with saran wrap and place in the fridge to cool completely.
6) Make the peaches.  Slice the peaches, I left the skin on , up to you.
7) In a medium fry pan,  on medium melt butter. Add brown sugar and stir together.  Bring to a boil , for a few minutes then add peaches.  Stir to coat.    Let peaches cook in liquid for 8-10 minutes on medium low.
8) Remove from heat, let cool.   Add peach mixture to a mini processor and pulse a few time to make chunkier.
9) Once cooled, run the ice cream mixture through your machine, based on instructions.  Mine churned for about 15-20 minutes.   Place in a freezer safe container and stir in peach mixture, spoonfuls at a time.
10) Eat right away or freeze for later.

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